Adoption Center
Our Adoption Fairs (also called Puppy Fairs) are organized once a month during drier weather seasons in Botanic Gardens, Roseau. Bring your children to educate them about animals and cruelty challenges, let them experience the joy or interacting and playing with pets, and/or consider adopting a dog of your choice. Adoption Fairs have been a real success, opening big numbers of doors to animals in need, and bringing their love to new owners in return.
See details on upcoming Adoption Fairs.
Looking for a pet now? Adopt on-line! Adoptions save lives!
Instead of purchasing a pet, adopt one now, giving it a second chance. Every pet deserves it!
You can see a full list of animals currently rescued, treated, and awaiting their new homes. Simply browse provided categories to find your favourite pet, and use our adoption form.
There is no adoption charge, we cover all vet bills and other expenses. We actually try whenever possible to supply outgoing pets with some extras, to make the adoption process easier for you.
If you wish to see a few animals and choose, call us – let us know which ones. We will discuss location and meeting details, as we use several locations around Roseau.