Can you adopt a dog from overseas, internationally?
If you live in America, Canada, or Europe, and you love dogs – quite possibly you saw a nice, very friendly (but starving) stray dog while on vacation in tropics, and you were tempted to adopt. While it is possible, it can be a challenge on holidays, as such a procedure takes time, requires veterinary certificates, and so on. If you decided to go for it – hats off!
And the good news is – Dominica is one of a very few countries totally FREE of rabies!

You can consult it with your local veterinarian and check your home country’s regulations. You may also feel more comfortable using an agency to assist you with transportation and logistics. Many animal welfare groups can help you process the adoption and transportation of your new dog. (Best check online reviews before hiring any group or agency, of course).
So, if you are interested in making a difference, and adopting one of wonderful creatures awaiting your kindness – email us for details. We can provide you with short videos showing behaviour of your favourite dogs, and assist in any other way to make you comfortable about your choice.
We look forward to assisting you with your good deed, and are sure you will be delighted with your new, devoted friend.
Pets For Adoption
A note for overseas donors:
Simple goods donations from USA can be shipped to our forwarder:
- St Nicholas Animal Rescue
- 7205 NW 54TH ST STE DOM35986
- MIAMI, FL 33166-6211 United States
- (Important: To make it tax-exempt, please mark package as donation to non-profit organization approved by Ministry of Agriculture. For our customs we also need email from you with shipper info, listed contents of shipment, and it’s value – also marked as a donation.)