Our Services
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To summarize our services
Saint Nicholas Animal Rescue Dominica, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping animals in need, provides services as follows:
St Nicholas Animal Rescue Services
- Shelter.
- Pet Adoption program.
- Island wide spaying and neutering programs.
- Food, veterinary care and protection for stray animals.
- Emergency animal rescue (including after-hours hotline).
- Loans for pet owners requiring emergency funds to provide care for their animal.
- Educational work (social media and other platforms) helping stop animal cruelty.
- Search and rescue canine training program (new, invaluable service for emergency search teams, etc.)
- Information on preparedness of animals in case of emergencies, consultation as to illegal activities leading to animals' suffering.

Rescue case
Guinness Ravine Reascue
This dog was brutally abused and thrown down a ravine. He was rescued by our team with assistance from the Dominica fire and ambulance service on October 19th. We named him "Guinness" Please watch the video